Planting a Rainbow Garden; Spring Edition
Seeing a rainbow generates excitement. Now what if we can plant our own rainbow that comes back each year and lasts longer then a fleeting moment?!
3 Ways to Start a New Garden Bed as a Busy, Tired Parent
You love the idea of having a garden for your kids to safely run around in. You can teach them how to grow their own food, and make a cozy sensory, sanctuary for them to grow up and burn off steam. But, how do you manage to dig a new garden bed when you can’t even get to the bottom of the dish pile in one go?
How To Keep Kids From Stepping Into the Garden
Toddlers have this knack for stomping on precious plants with complete unawareness to the effects of their actions. Boundaries are an important life lesson, whether they are material or emotional. Teaching and enforcing boundaries is an art, that once mastered can reset many areas of your life. Keep toddlers out of the garden with these 5 simple steps.
Plants for Kids: Plants for Better Sleep
Sleep is arguably the most precious commodity as a parent and typically one of the hardest elements to secure. We resort to trainers, books and products to help get us there and focus the majority of our efforts at bedtime. We often forget a powerful tool that we already have.
Plants for Kids: Sensory Garden
Around the 6 month mark, babies suddenly bloom and become incredibly aware of the world around them. At this age they love nothing more then exploring and interacting with their environment. This exploration only evolves as their mobility increases. This makes it the perfect age to introduce a sensory garden.
Easiest Veggies to Grow as a Busy Parent
Time is the most limited resource. You want gardening to be fun, not another task on your already full plate. Taking the path of least resistance or easing into a new activity can help you stay the course and eventually level up your skills. Be kind to yourself and try out some of the easiest to grow vegetables when first jumping into gardening.
Cheapest Way to Get LOTS of Strawberries Fast
Strawberries are a ‘gateway plant’ for getting kids to garden. If you plant them, they will come, and snack, and snack and snack. So having just a basket of strawberry plants is not enough. How can you avoid the ‘dirty dozen’ woes of supermarket strawberries and get your own harvestable crop fast, cheap and easily?
How to Connect With Your Family Through Gardening
The garden has many lessons to offer all of us and is a brilliant mediator and connector. Including chores in your children’s daily routine has the potential to be “the best predictor of young adults’ success in their mid-20’s.” We’ve got lists of age appropriate tasks to help you connect as a family.
12 Months of Blooms in Toronto
If we have a mild enough winter, it is possible to enjoy nearly 12 months of blooms in your Toronto garden! Broken down by the month, we have blooms that appear long before tulips, no forcing required.
How to Get Free Tree Stumps in Toronto
If your urban garden has summer projects that need tree stumps, logs or wood chips then tap into this resource and save yourself hundreds of dollars!
Best Halloween Lawn Decorations in North York
Where to for great Toronto Halloween Lawn Displays? We’ve got 17 to choose from!
Transforming a Vegetable Trellis into a Ghost
Repurposing garden elements in various ways as the season evolves is a win for everyone, but especially your wallet!
DIY Teepee Vegetable Trellis
By making use of items already on your property, such as upcycling pruned branches, you can create a funtional and cost-effective garden.