How to save Sunflower Seeds

If you can beat the squirrels to it sunflowers are prolific seeders and make for a fun seed collection activity with kids.

How to collect sunflower seeds

  1. Wait for the center petals to brown, crisp and drop off. You may need to cut the flower head off to protect it from critters.

  2. Behind each flower will be a seed. The seeds may be black, white, striped etc depending on the sunflower variety.

  3. Pry the seeds from their backing and store in a paper bag.

Pick the biggest or most colourful, or just your favourite sunflower to collect seeds from and regrow it the following year. Free sunflower seeds can be obtained from Cheerios bring back the bees offer or you can plant the sunflower seeds from a bag of bird seed.

To highlight the power of a seed and the lifecycle of a sunflower plant I’d highly recommend the “Little Sunflower” book. It is a favourite in our household.


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